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Daniel Lieber LMT



About Me

Hello, my name is Daniel Lieber. I am a licensed massage therapist with over six years experience. I attended one of the most prestigious massage schools in Florida, Cortiva Institute. I spent nearly four years working in the upscale spa environment. I loved my clients but I became discouraged because of the quantity over quality attitude they employeed. If a client scheduled an hour massage it was actually only 50 minutes of "hands on" massage time. The spa expected us to greet our client, do a full medical history consultation, determine what the client was looking for in their session, allow the client time for dressing and undressing, and after the service recommend a treatment plan... All of this in only 10 minutes.

Which I can tell you is impossible if you genuinely care about your clients well being and want them to get the most out of their massage. A proper medical consulation and discussion about what the client is looking for in their massage often takes longer than 10 minutes!

This led me into the Mobile Massage field and I never looked back! Now I am able to treat my clients with the attention and care they deserve! 

My Philosophy


Many people view massage as a luxury they cannot afford. However, I wish each and every person knew just how important massage therapy is for your body. For example let's use your car. If you neglect to get regular routine maintnance your car will work for a while, but eventually it will begin to fall apart. One issue after another will slowly pop up over time. Your body is the same as the car, if you neglect the signals your body is sending you: aches, pains, anxiety, insomnia then the issues will continue to worsen over time until they eventually become unavoidable. Investing in your health and well being today can help you avoid even worse aches and pains down the line, not to mention the money that you will save in the long run by keeping yourself healthy!


I am genuinely invested in the well being of each and every one of my clients. The best feeling in the world for me is when a client completes an initial treatment plan and only needs to see me for maintnance massages. Over the years I have built up a large clientele who understand that I became a massage therapist not for the money but for the joy I feel when a client tells me I have changed their life by removing their chronic pain. 


I truly believe in the benefits and healing of touch. Massage is so much more than just a luxury meant for vacation or special occasions. Even monthly massages can have such a positive impact on a persons overall well being both physically and mentally!




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